5 reasons Why Africans generally don’t make good leaders (from an African perspective)

Yes there are positive examples, but it is safe to say that a good 90 percent of Africans are not effective leaders

  1. They allow alot of foolishness

From allowing slave traders, colonialists to set up shop in your doorstep, to allowing drugs, criminals, and corrupt people to steal from your own country. To everyday extreme lack of discipline and self control, and professionalism. African leaders have a problem with being too permissive of foolishness.

2. Ego tripping make it all about themselves

Letting power get to their head.

3. Low standards, small thinking

4. Upside down priorities

5. Cant build constructive alliances

this is common, especially in business. People are always trying to establish dominance over you, so the first thing they will do is scan the herd and look for anyone who appears less connected to others, different-looking or somehow isolated. Which is why Africa is constantly a target.

People can achieve things it seems that Africans don’t take advantage of the fact that they are the second most populated race of people on earth and fix their problems.

Consequences – People will go to great lengths to avoid you. People will be disinterested in you. And you will be condemned to a subpar life.

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